I am about to P&%^ a lot of people off. My research is on invasive earthworms, and so invasive species in general are for me a specialty and a concern. This note on the invasive species weblog awoke me from my winter break stupor and raised my ire:
More concern raised over the lives of 257 invasive grey squirrels than is raised over all the disappearing and disappeared species in all of the British Isles. It has all the usual hallmarks of the Bambified view of nature existing amongst most urban westerners: An utter and complete ignorance of actual biology, a general love for anything cute, herbivorous, small and furry, and a willingness to sacrifice entire species and communities to save certain favored species. For example, I have never seen an animal rights group come out for preserving local invertebrates from the spiny waterflea http://www.iisgcp.org/EXOTICSP/spiny_water_flea.htm , despite the nasty effects on entire lake ecosystems. Bambi, of course, is another story. Warm,fuzzy,with big brown eyes and a mammal, it is of course lovable to those who relate to animals via childlike emotion. They ignore, however, that deer in unfettered numbers, unlimited in behavior and procreation by predators are destroying what is left of our forests:http://citypages.com/databank/25/1249/article12655.asp. There is another side to this also, of course. Deer Hunters, who favor that species over anything else, mostly the types who brag about the horns ( I always evaluate deer potential by size and tenderness of loin flesh... those long muscles along the back are quite tasty!). They demand high deer numbers regardless of effects so they can drive to their stand, sit on a stump for an hour, shoot, then sit around bragging about it for weeks, rather than actually hunting.

So children, especially those of you who will now write and accuse me of being "speciesist", please understand this: Just because you like something doesn't mean it needs to be here. View the world in its totality, for the wolfpup needs mom to eat Bambi in order to feed her,
and the grey squirrel is destroying your native squirrel. Here is a solution:
1 comment:
I think you totally undervalue the role of the grey squirrel. For example: if there are no more grey squirrels, what will I wipe my a$$ with when the TP runs out?
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