And this is my birthday present. A cold. So, to give my foggy brain something to do..
There is amongst most Americans ignorance of anything that was here before Europeans came, except for horror stories of Iroquois or noble savage pictures of
Lakota Horsemen. There were many here, and they built large cities and enormous structures. Here are a few examples.

This is the Serpent Mound in Southern Ohio. It is 1330 feet Long. A quarter mile.
Next we have Poverty Point in Louisiana. To show its reach, trade goods from as far as the Great Lakes have been found here:

Then we have Cahokia, with at one time a population in the thousands. This is a picture of the mound, over 1000 feet long, 790 feet wide, and 100 feet tall.

Then there is something closer to home, the Grand Mound of the Rainy River.Thank you to
MPR for the picture:

This tells us someone has been here a long time. There was no wild place waiting for human cultivation; People had already had been here for a long, long time. They had agriculture. Learning. Medicine.Music. Cities were built. Large cities. And we know where these people went. Nowhere.They are still here. But many Americans do not like being reminded of that fact, because it says what the history of this place actually is. It also says things are temporary. what is known as America will someday no longer exist. Good Morning. ( All other pictures are from wiki)
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