Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Shunning the non-believer; or in this case, the questioner.

From the Wall Street Journal, we get the case of a woman removed from a church and jailed because the pastor wanted her gone, despite her being a member for decades:

Now a return to the good old days. Perhaps they will bring back the Scarlet Letter. Here is my first candidate:

I have several questions. The first is why a sheriff is spending the time jailing a 70 yr old woman for trespassing in a church. There were no felonies that morning? NO DUI's? No bear in the garbage can? No breakfast with Otis at Aunt Bee's? Why not arrest the preacher for committing fraud for extracting cash-money from church members while telling obvious falsehoods? All with a tax exempt status. This, of course, is never questioned. His followers are the dangerous ones. They should be marked with a warning " do not feed or allow to reproduce" to ensure their blind stupidity is not passed on. It is a good argument for why organized religion should be rooted from the culture like the smallpox campaign.

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