Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Refugees, blowback and the Sorrows of Empire

Chalmers Johnson in his book 'Blowback" wrote of the possible future disasters brought on by U.S. Foreign policy, both military and covert. Central America, the focus of U.S. covert action ( though it was well known), was and still is a collection of oppressive failed states; El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras were also the largest receivers of U.S. aid and assistance. Oddly enough, Nicaragua, though still poverty stricken, survived the years of U.S assisted attacks and disruption much more stable than its neighbors. The record, whether the Marine occupation of Nicaragua, the support of the El Salvadoran oligarchs, Rios Montt and the Contras, is bloodshed and social destruction. The refugees are running from the violence of gang run failed states, a direct consequence of U.S. intervention. They are the consequence, the blowback, of U.S. "intervention",in reality  the backflow of empire. The Barbarians are at the gate, in the form of child refugees. They are Ronald Reagan's orphans.

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