Friday, July 18, 2008

Finally, of all things, a large social networking site for non-theists ( code words: people who don't believe in god), meaning humanists, agnostics, atheists or just plain anyone not believing in the supernatural: For anyone isolated in smaller cities or rural areas, being a non-believer can be pretty lonely sometimes, so this could be a blessing for many...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

This picture is not mine, it is from Paul Krugman's Blog, which lately, along with Calculated Risk, have been the best places to cut through the blather and understand the true failings and thievery of the mortgage crisis and just how deep the doodoo we are in is. Whenever bankers of one form or another,( investors, bankers, insurance salesmen, three card molly tricksters and other such conmen) start speaking deregulation, hide your wallet and think of this picture. These are just some of the people who brought you this latest debacle, and are of the same breed who brought you the savings and loan crisis in the 80's. We are now well into a multi billion dollar public bailout of private risk for private profit.

Get your hand out of my pocket.