Monday, July 21, 2014


While others may fear other "apes" taking over, I don't. There is no possible way any of the other ape species (yes,we are one, albeit upright and sometimes hairless) could be as selfish, venal, stupid, deceiving or as easily distracted and entertained by stupidity as Homo sapiens americanus moronicus. Gorillas being impressed by shiny new truck rims or riding around dressed similarly, all on the same brand of motorcycle at the same time declaring individuality and freedom? Only a human being could deceive themselves so fundamentally. The chimpanzee, any more violent than the rapacious, blood lusting lunacy ( watch any boxing or mma audience) of the human being who makes killing an art form and justifies it by declaring it as "defensive"...a society that drops fire on stone age people then rewards the doers with medals for "courage"? No,even the flesh eating, sometimes violent chimpanzee is much more peaceful. The Orangutan? Intelligent and deliberately avoiding conflict while brachiating and eating fruit? . The Bonobo, capable of complex, symbolic language use and social negotiation? Look at the first ten rows of any monster truck or wrestling audience and make a comparison about social cohesion or intelligence along with the need for dental work. There is no contest. Hell...just looking across the street or watching a right wing news show tells me I would be better off with another species running the show. Perhaps not even another ape species...maybe another primate..dolphins...oh hell a predatory starfish. At least I wouldn't have to watch an ice dancing competition or a nascar race.

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