Someone is making a lot of money from people dying.
The mass murders and police killings of the last
several years, despite the large overall drop in violent crime since the early
1990’s, are now part of competing political narratives. A world to be made safe
from hordes of dark skinned lunatics, both native and foreign, endanger the
Great White Bwana of America, or a chaotic maelstrom of random lunatics bent on
destroying all that is good and holy; suburbia and the last bastions of
whiteness, small city, town and rural America. Coupling this with the official narrative of
deranged desert lunatics who for no reason hate us, paranoia has matched
heights of the cold war. Instead of Red Dawn Russians, we have Red Dawn North
Koreans, a tale that would be hilarious if it wasn’t tied to a propaganda
system preparing young people to die for the Empire of commercial gain. One has
to search through academics, non-mainstream news sources and the odd foreign correspondent
to find anything mentioning United States Foreign Policy, covert activity and
military presence as possible causes. Our Saudi friend’s spread of Sunni
fundamentalism, joined with our support and subsidy of the murderous Israeli
State is never mentioned. After all, why would they hate us after dropping
bombs on them or starving them into submission, not when all you want is to
hand them democracy and McDonald’s? The barbarians
are here and the gate is breached. Beware sinners.
As most people act emotionally and not rationally, the
reality of dropping violent crime rates for the past two decades has also seen
an explosion in security systems and weapons for home defense. Fear is a
greater motivator than rationality, and despite the lowering crime rates, the
advertisements for home security systems and guns as home “defense” find a
receptive audience, helped along with a 24-hour news cycle that can turn a
traffic stop in Reno into a seeming nation threatening debacle.
“Back to live video…How many more of these grocery
store purse snatchers might be tied with ISIS, Wolf?”
A researcher for a gun company can now learn how his major audience, largely working class white males with poor family relationships and poor relations with fathers, can have their insecurity manipulated into a need for authoritarianism and guns. Insecure emotionally and from a young age raised on a propaganda diet of manhood via military means, authoritarianism provides the needed warmth of security and this group is easily coerced into an obsessive need for weapons. What has made
it worse is the social instability extreme capitalism has wrought. Whole
communities destroyed, family relationships torn apart by either disappearing
income or the need to move to survive, the fear is real. Despite the wealth, suburbia
is not community; it is an artifice resembling community based on
commodification of community. And with fear comes anger. This, the remains of
human community left in the U.S., is an audience ready made for weapon’s sales.
Mix in a propaganda culture of manhood by violence and militarism, you will
likely have what we have now. While everyone yells and screams about guns as
inanimate objects and/or responsibility, the central question is lost. Does
everyone, from socially awkward mentally ill people to random women having a
gun make us all safer, or does it simply add better death machines to all the
insanity and rage constantly floating around in a society 40 years into the
neo-liberal project of privatizing the earth and society for the benefit of the
The Gun and weapon manufacturers have succeeded in their
aim. Their product is now the answer to all our problems. They have managed to
join and help create a propaganda stream of fear and paranoia where their
product, nothing more than a simple to operate but albeit messy death machine,
is the solution for everyone. Police, ordinary citizen, ordinary housewife, oppressed
minority or just plain old whackjob, they have the solution or you. The bigger
the better, which in reality is kill more faster. That is all that guns do and
are for. This is the world they wanted, and they could ask for no better advertising
then mass slaughter. How else will you defend yourself against our product than
by having one yourself?
The United States of
Fear and Death, brought to you by the NRA and the gun manufacturers.