Monday, June 30, 2014

Burwell Vs. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.

Decision Here:

The concept of religious freedom ( or "rights") is akin to a child justifying their actions based on what an imaginary friend told them to do. The problem with all religions is the imaginary friend justifies all sorts of murderous, oppressive, idiotic unjustified bs as defined by whatever psychopathic adult(s) happens to roam the street and attracts the most weak minded, emotionally needy followers. None of the books, or the beliefs, are special. The Abrahamic, monotheistic religions are still the frightening fairy tales of stone age, desert lunatics who didn't understand fermentation, thought leprosy was caused by mold and sold their daughters into slavery to pay off debts. Catholicism, derived from the hybridization of a failing Roman Empire and the organized cult of wandering imaginary Messiah worshippers, is its still existing corrupt, money holding, sexually disturbed, child molesting descendent. Intermixed with modern legal theory and the concept of corporation (or property) as person, and you get today's decision. Of course it is illogical and unjustified, because it's moral and legal underpinnings are from those who have to twist and turn to justify their unjustifiable beliefs: " These people, who believe their imaginary friend says this (though nothing is actually said because the concept of a contraceptive is not even mentioned in the ravings of the ancient, ignorant, lunatics who passed these scribblings on) and own property that pays other people, shouldn't have to pay for this part of what they think their imaginary friend says". It doesn't make sense as it is second century thought imposing itself on a 21st century world. It has to justify stupid, ancient beliefs while imposing its social relations on the modern world's socio-economic relations, while colliding with modern science and altered social relationships; one might as well define a fish in biblical terms, while at the same time studying its phylogenetic tree.

Monday, June 09, 2014

Of course people are doing heroin; our lives now consist of doing mindless, boring non-rewarding tasks for no pay and to get other people rich.

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

So, while waiting for something to process, I choose to visit the "Open Carry Texas" website. Go to the photos, as the writing and statement logic rivals that of a TBI Sea Cucumber, analogous to listening to Styx's Mr. Roboto backwards while suffering food poisoning. My neighbor's terrier complained of the grammar. To the photos; they consist of various white trash ( there isn't anyone with a single bit of melanin) in public places with assault "style" weapons. Afterall, I feel in such grave danger at dairy queen that my greatest fear is not a 17 year old girl hitting me in the parking lot while she texts her friend, but the possibility that at any moment, I need a multi-round magazine in case an l-shaped ambush breaks out. Now my greatest fear is some halfwit who can't spell the word "Constitution" and believes the founding fathers were White Aryan Christians is going to pull something because the cartoon tattooed, nail-chewing, underwear pulling mother of his halfwits looked at someone with the wrong last name for five seconds too long.
And for important St. Louis county business, we get this: Of course, as the story says, many local city councils and now the county have passed resolutions against any Polymet review. What bearing this has on the final process is questionable, of course.

But there are other important questions:

1: Why are local government, county and state officials acting as publicly funded lobbyists for  private, multinational backed mining firms?
2: How many of these officials have stock, or potential personal and business benefits. How about their friends and acquaintances?
3: How much other important business  and how many other alternatives  for economic development are ignored?

The Range is not alone in these problems; in fact, they are global in nature, and resource extraction based communities all have similar problems. But, the Range's problems are also historically specific to both mining and logging. The artificial boom of the 60's and 70's was a Potemkin village; built and operated at cost-plus, with feather-bedded workforces and rampant theft, the building and expansion construction booms were due to end. Following Herbert Stein's famous quote: "If something cannot go on forever, it will stop,". The seniority system gave most of the jobs remaining to first wave baby-boomers, thus an entire generation left starting in the 1980's and we now see the results.

Desperate for the days of easy money, local officials now push for their and their friend's personal profit at the expense of everyone else and the natural environment. Using their publicly funded positions, they now spend our tax dollars and time forcing this and other projects down the public throat, all while feasting at the public trough, whether in pay or subsidies.