Amongst all the sniveling on gas prices, it is still easy to see more resource waste in a look down the street than could be justified anywhere. First, a couple weeks ago we had this, an attempt to set the worlds largest group atv ride. In this we have the finest of American culture; a ridiculous sense of material entitlement, a gratuitous waste of precious resources, environmental destruction and the bloated, semi- alive fatty deposited carcasses called American bodies. At the same time, sniveling about the price of gas, and how we should drill everywhere. It is amazing this thinking is acceptable as a logical thought process: We should destroy entire ecosystems so overweight yokels can ride around and cause erosion . At the same time this was also going on. As Beldar might say.. " Ahh; the humans...wasting hydrocarbons, driving aging, oversize technologically inferior metallic vehicles around to symbolize the pathetic yearning for their misspent youth".
This underlies American thought and perhaps might ultimately be its downfall: An inability or unwillingness to see that fuel supplies are really just chemical tools. And we have wasted alot of easy to get energy, and waste more everyday. Until it is seen that having a relationship with a car or atv is like having a relationship with a shovel(it usually is males, people who have not matured mentally or emotionally past age 16 or so), nothing will change.
My thought is this: After everyone who dies of starvation is fed tomorrow ( about 35,000 to 40,000), and those who are malnourished are fed, and after everyone who needs medicine, sanitation or education gets that, then you can ask for gas to play. Only then. Until then, any American who dares open their mouth around me for anything other than efficient transport will be verbally abused or simply eviscerated.