The anti-evolution movement, tight as they are with the Christian Right in this country, are perhaps our greatest threat. Their fanatical beliefs and creation of institutions to make sure their own deluded ideology is force fed to children and others, is creating yet another generation of insane zealots. Foe thoughts on the subject see Sam Harris here :
Now of course, after the Dover decision, where they not only lost the case, but were plainly laughed right out of the court room , by a conservative judge nonetheless, they are choosing other means, including going after scientists by flat out lying: see the case involving Dr. Eric Pianka here
Of course the right wing press, pandering to the morons it calls an audience, played this up to no end, with Tucker Carlson accusing him of hating humans: see here:
As one of my relatives says; most people are a half step away from witch burning. Now many complain about the public school system and its failures. I am actually amazed at how students survive and thrive surrounded in this intellectual sewer of a society, when crap like this is allowed to be done, and right wing nutballs who believe a mythical dead guy of two thousand years ago was the son of god, all while using the tools of science to download fantasy football scores and porn, or to get flu shots.
My suggestion is this: Let them believe what they wish, but they can no longer use our tools. They can wear sandals, walk and die of scurvy and leprosy. I however, will take Pasteur and Darwin.